- Livecasts
- ALDE Group
- Disrupt Europe!
Disrupt Europe!
How to turn the challenges of the digital world into opportunities?
Innovation is not a new concept, but in the digital world, the most innovative companies seem to get called "disrupters". The current regulatory environment however impedes innovation: new services are pushed into the black market, and established companies feel threatened by newcomers. In a time where economic growth remains sluggish, and unemployment unacceptably high, the digital world has already created, and keeps creating huge opportunities for citizens and businesses. This event will demonstrate how the digital world is redefining our lives, and explore ways in which the digital challenges that arise can be turned into opportunities for jobs and growth, thus increasing the quality of life of European citizens. Now is the time to implement the Digital Single Market strategy, and along with Vice President Ansip and Innovators behind companies like Skype and TransferWise, we will discuss what needs to be done, so that Europe may lead in the Digital sector and not fall behind.
Opening Remarks
PANEL I: How the digital world redefines our lives
PANEL II: The Digital Single Market Act : What needs to be done to turn digital challenges into opportunities for Europe ?
Closing Remarks