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- European Sport Policy
European Sport Policy
Good governance, accessibility and integrity
The European Union has held soft competence in sport policy since the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. In 2016 the European Parliament drafted an own initiative report on European Sport Policy, which will be voted in the CULT committee in December 2016. The report, drafted by Finnish ALDE MEP Hannu Takkula, evaluates this seven year policy path from an integrated approach through three main themes: Good Governance, Accessibility and Integrity. At this ALDE Group Hearing, the debate will focus on current sports-related issues such as the fight against match fixing, doping and corruption, how to enhance transparency and good governance of sports and how to make sports accessible for all. The target is to find solutions, and how the EU's sport policy can increase physical activity at all levels of European society.
Welcome words and presentation of the EP Sports report
Accessibility: How to enhance physical activity in all level of society?
Good Governance: How to renew the governing structure of sports in all levels?
Integrity: How to face the integrity challenges in 2016?
EU Sports policy in practice - Looking ahead
Panel Discussion